#irpg @



Name: sluffy

Class: fat dwarf sluffy

Level: 356

Alignment: good

Position: [235,125]


Amulet: 201 [Dwyn's Storm Magic Amulet]

Boots: 263 [Mrquick's Magical Boots of Swiftness]

Charm: 61

Gloves: 51

Helm: 69 [Mattt's Omniscience Grand Crown]

Leggings: 102

Ring: 70

Shield: 57

Tunic: 53

Weapon: 348 [Jeff's Cluehammer of Doom]

(Item level sum: 1275)




Penalty for getting kicked: 0 days, 06:00:00

Penalty for logout: 0 days, 06:00:00

Penalty for messages: 0 days, 00:00:24

Penalty for nick changes: 0 days, 00:37:44

Penalty for channel parts: 0 days, 06:00:00

Penalty for quests: 135 days, 17:39:16

Penalty for quitting: 23 days, 09:22:52

(Penalties overall: 159 days, 21:40:16)

Modifiers [show all]

[03/03/25 07:56:20] Rehchoortahn [1078/1414] has challenged sluffy [45/1402] in combat and won! 0 days, 02:11:04 is removed from Rehchoortahn's clock.
[03/03/25 09:56:36] sluffy [818/1402] has challenged bob [784/2294] in combat and won! 462 days, 15:23:00 is removed from sluffy's clock.
[03/03/25 10:42:21] Evenatra [60/1432] has challenged sluffy [924/1402] in combat and lost! 161 days, 02:11:00 is added to Evenatra's clock.
[03/03/25 16:07:45] sluffy and Evenatra have not let the iniquities of evil men poison them. Together have they prayed to their god, and it is his light that now shines upon them. 10% of their time is removed from their clocks.
[03/03/25 20:57:57] bob [1269/2294] has challenged sluffy [856/1402] in combat and won! 0 days, 02:30:30 is removed from bob's clock.

Current Status

Online?: Yes

Next level: 138 days, 07:43:31


Created: 2018-01-21 00:16:06

Last login: 2024-10-20 03:02:05

Total time idled: 2392 days, 02:15:23

Admin?: No